E plus E equals Two EE's
Winery Two EE's, Huntington, Indiana
In Huntington, Indiana, the couple Eric and Emily Harris have been running the Two EE's winery for 10 years now. While Emily Harris grew up in a winemaking household, Eric Harris first discovered his passion for wine in the mid-2000s when Emily's father, an avid amateur winemaker, sparked Eric's interest one evening and they began making wine together.
For Eric Harris, it quickly became clear where the journey should take him. He began working at a winery and studying oenology, and in 2013 Eric and Emily Harris opened their own winery together with their families, supporting and refining the processing of the high-quality products with Speidel stainless steel tanks, which were added to the production facility some time ago.
They focus on complex, unique grape varieties. This is why their wine portfolio primarily comprises grape varieties that they handpick from reliable winegrowing partners throughout the country. The concept seems to be working, as they were awarded the "Rising Star Winemaker Award" in 2013 and 2014 right at the start of their business and have since produced several international award-winning wines.
Of course, Eric Harris knows that the tools used also play a major role in the production of exceptional wines, which is why the Speidel tanks are clearly one of his favorites. He is particularly impressed by the surfaces inside the tanks and the ease with which they can be cleaned without the use of chemicals: "If you dont have to have people, spending hours and hours cleaning a tank, if it's only half an hour, you can open the door up to more lab testing or focus on quality control and that's one of the things that I love about these tanks."
He finds the solid connections equally helpful, as several different pumps can be connected to them - for different parts of the processes, situations and individual needs, and all so tightly that there are no gaps or contamination problems.
»There is no hidden areas, that somebody didn't think through, it is almost as if the people that design and build these tanks, have used them themselves.«
Eric Harris has had plenty of experience with other tanks and the reason he keeps buying Speidel tanks is clearly because of the quality: "When I'm climbing in and out of a tank, I know i'm not getting cut on my shoulder or tear any of my clothes off, because they thought it through. I'm never being worried about a weld being unsanitary, they are always very clean. I'm never going to cut my finger on a sharp edge if I've got wet, soft hands working in production all day. There is no hidden areas, that somebody didn't think through, it is almost as if the people that design and build these tanks, have used them themselves."
For the winemaker, there is also the impressive appearance and technology: "They are just great tanks all round. They're even fun to look at, sometimes almost mesmerizing how well they do with the construction of these tanks. They stand out. Everybody notices those, when they're in a group with others. They just look like they're built better and when you work with them, you can really tell they're better."